Looking to expand in Canada?

FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage (Canada), Inc. can help you grow your business in Canada by simplifying the process of shipping your goods across the border and into the Canadian marketplace. With our Non-Resident Importer (NRI) program, shipping to Canada is almost as easy as shipping to another U.S. state.

Find out how it can help you
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What is a Non-Resident Importer (NRI)?

A company that has registered for the program that is:

  • A U.S. company that doesn't have a physical presence in Canada.
  • A U.S.-based company that acts as both the exporter from the U.S. and the importer of shipments into Canada.

When it comes to U.S. trading partners, Canada ranks high. In fact, Canada and the U.S. are each other's largest trading partners and with the FedEx Trade Networks NRI program, it's easier than ever for U.S. companies to import their products into Canada.

Why FedEx Trade Networks

We provide shippers with an extensive variety of trade and customs advisory services. In fact, we're one of the largest-volume customs entry filers in North America, and a leading provider of customs brokerage and freight forwarding solutions.

Getting started is easy

Let FedEx Trade Networks guide you through the process. We have the expertise to:

  • Evaluate your logistics requirements, regardless of whether they involve the movement of goods, warehousing or customs clearance.
  • Register and verify your Canadian Business Number, which is necessary to clear goods through Canada customs.
  • Provide you with important information on the rules and regulations surrounding Goods and Services Tax (GST), along with specific contact information for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
  • Advise you on how to accurately complete your customs documents so they comply with customs requirements.
  • Provide you with information on the maintenance of Books and Records requirements by Canada customs.
  • Perform product database checks to review whether correct codes were applied.

Request more information

Have you ever considered the advantages of becoming an NRI?

By becoming an NRI, U.S. companies become the Importer of Record into Canada and have their Canadian sales resemble a domestic transaction. Our NRI program is well suited for U.S. companies that sell directly to Canadian consumers, retailers and businesses.

Canadian flag

Call 1.800.715.4045 to become a Non-Resident Importer today.

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